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what's an aircraft

What's An Aircraft - Although everyone is encouraged to follow the same grammar rules, there may be some exceptions. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions.

Aircraft, also known as an airplane or an airplane, is one of a class of fixed aircraft that are heavier than air, propelled by a propeller or propeller and supported by a propeller the strength of the air in his wings. About the history of the development of aviation and the advent of civil aviation

What's An Aircraft

What's An Aircraft

The main parts of an airplane are the wings that support it in flight, the tail fins that hold the wings, the stabilizers that control the attitude of the airplane in flight, and a plant power to provide the ability to propel the vehicle through the air. Provisions must be made to support the aircraft while on the ground and during take-off and landing. Most airplanes have a fixed body (fuselage) that accommodates passengers, crew, and cargo; The cockpit is where the pilot controls the controls and instruments to fly the aircraft.

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Four forces operate on an airplane in non-linear flight. (When flying, diving, or climbing, additional forces are introduced.) These forces are lift, an upward force; drag, slows down the force of drag and raises the resistance of an aircraft moving through the air; weight, the downward effect of gravity on an aircraft; and liftoff, the primary work force provided by the propulsion system (or, in the case of unmanned aircraft, by using gravity to translate altitude into velocity). Strength and weight are properties that exist in any object, including an airplane. Lift and suspension are the tools used to make an airplane fly.

The first understanding of lift requires an understanding of the airfoil, which is a structure designed to receive an effect on its surface from the air through which it moves. The front airfoils are smaller than the upper and lower airfoils. Over the years, airfoils have been modified to meet changing needs. In the 1920s, the top surface of airfoils was round, with the maximum height reaching the first third of the chord (width). Over time, the top and bottom edges bend more or less, and the thicker part of the airfoil slowly moves back. As the airspeed increases, it is necessary for the air to flow more smoothly over the surface, which is found in the laminar flow airfoil, where the camber is increased. than the modern practice. Supersonic aircraft require further changes in airfoil shapes, some have lost the ball that was originally associated with a wing and have a double spiral shape.

By moving through the air, the airfoil of the wing receives a response from the air passing over its surface which is necessary for flight. (In flight, the airfoil of the wing usually produces the majority of lift, but the propellers, tail skin, and fuselage, like airfoils, also produce significant amounts of lift. ) speed increases beyond a certain point in the airfoil, causing the air pressure to decrease. Air flowing over the upper surface of the wing moves faster than air flowing over the lower surface, reducing the pressure on it. Pressure rising from below pushes (lifts) the wing up into the low pressure area. At the same time, the air flowing on the underside of the wing is deflected downward, giving the same and opposite Newtonian effect and providing full lift.

The lift of an airfoil is also affected by its "angle of attack", which is its angle with respect to the wind. The pitch and angle of attack can be shown quickly, including roughness, by sticking a hand out the window of a moving vehicle. When the hand is pointing into the wind, there is a lot of resistance and a small "lift" is created, because there is a bumpy part behind the hand. The lift to drag ratio is low. When the arm is held parallel to the wind, there is less drag and lower lift, less turbulence and better lift-and-drag. However, if the arm is rotated slightly so that its lead angle is raised to a greater angle of attack, the lift generation will increase. This positive increase in the lift-to-drag ratio creates a tendency for the arm to "jump" up and down. The higher the speed, the greater the lift and drag. Therefore, lift depends on the shape of the airfoil, the angle of attack, and the speed at which the wing is moving through the air.

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Weight is the force that acts against lift. Therefore, designers try to make the plane as light as possible. Because all aircraft designs are weighted during development, the new aerospace engineering staff has experts in the field who monitor weight from the start of the project. In addition, pilots must consider how much weight the aircraft can carry (passengers, fuel, and cargo) in terms of size and position. Weight distribution (ie, controlling the aircraft's center of gravity) is proportional to the amount of weight carried.

Push, the force acting forward, opposes drag like lifting a weight. Thrust is achieved by accelerating a large amount of ambient air to a speed greater than the plane's speed; the same and opposite effect as the plane moves forward. In twin-engine or turboprop aircraft, thrust comes from the propulsive force generated by the rotation of the propeller, with the rest of the thrust provided by the exhaust. In a jet engine, thrust comes from the twisting force of the turbine blades to compress the air, which is then expanded by burning the fuel in and out of the engine. In a rocket-launched aircraft, the rocket comes from the same end and opposes the burning of the rocket propellant. In a glider, the height gained by mechanical, orographic or thermal forces is translated into speed through gravity.

The constant resistance to the elbow is the opposite, which has both. Parasitic drag is caused by drag (depending on the shape), skin friction, obstruction, and all other factors that do not contribute to lift; induced drag is what happens as a result of stimulation.

What's An Aircraft

Parasitic drag increases as speed increases. For most airplanes, it is desirable to minimize all drag, and for this reason it pays to improve the shape of the airplane by eliminating the amount of thrust development (such as fitting the room with a canopy. , restoring the landing gear, wiring, painting and polishing). Some unknown points of objection include the relative arrangement and section of the fuselage and wings, engine and empennage panels; joint of wing and tail skin; air leakage through the roof; using plenty of air for relaxation; and using different methods to separate the indoor air.

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The induced drag due to that lowered black is not perpendicular to the flight path but slightly tilted back relative to it. As the angle of attack increases, drag increases; at extremes, the angle of attack can become so great that the airflow over the upper wing is cut off and lift is lost as drag increases. This critical condition is called a stall.

Lift, drag, and stall are affected by the type of wing design. An elliptical wing like the one used on the World War II Supermarine Spitfire fighter, for example, while aerodynamically more efficient in a subsonic flight, is more efficient in front stall mode. of a simple rectangular wing.

The aerodynamics of supersonic flight are complex. Air can be compressed, and as speed and altitude increase, the speed of the air flowing over the plane begins to exceed the speed of the plane in the air. The speed of this compressibility in a plane is expressed as the ratio of the speed of the plane to the speed of sound, called the Mach number, after the Austrian physicist Ernst Mach. The critical Mach number for an airplane is defined as the speed at which air in any part of the airplane can fly at the speed of sound.

At Mach numbers above the critical Mach number (i.e., speeds of air flow greater than the speed of sound in the inner regions of the air), there are significant changes in forces, pressures and moments acting on the wing and wing. the production of shock waves. One of the most important results is an increase in drag and a reduction in lift.

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